Rentals near Bussum
Renting rental properties in Bussum
In the region of Het Gooi , the town and village Bussum. This is located in the province of North Holland . Bussum has an area of just over eight square kilometers and has about 32,000 residents . It is the smallest town in the Gooi. Expansion of Bussum is difficult, because of this , the population stable for a long time . Popular streets to rent apartments in Bussum include the
Krijnenweg and on Voormeulenweg.
The Krijnenweg located in the center of Bussum , where you can easily reach all the shops . The Voormeulenweg located in a residential area. This is a quieter location and is therefore more suitable for families. There may be
apartments or studio's
be hired in Bussum, also a
renting in Bussum popular.
History of Bussum
For a long time Bussum, first mentioned in 1306, meaning a little village in the Gooi Heath. It was mainly inhabited by farmers and shepherds. Only in 1874 Bussum began to flourish. This was triggered by the arrival of a railway line and a train station. When wealthy Amsterdammers started to settle in the village, thanks to the beautiful surroundings. In this period were built various neighborhoods and brought more public facilities. So there was a hospital, several schools and a number of shops. This growth was very hard. In 1940 it reached a population of 30,000. After this has stabilized the growth of Bussum. After 1940 there was significantly renovated in Bussum. Around this time it also became possible to rent apartments in Bussum. There were also a number of apartments and studios that could be rented. There are many creative people from Bussum. So Tessa de Loo and his Ton van der Lee was born in Bussum. Even athletes as Anneloes Nieuwenhuizen and Arnoud van Toor come from Bussum
Activities in and around Bussum
The center of Bussum consists of a number of well-known chain stores and independent shops . There are also restaurants and cafes where you can eat a snack and a drink you can drink. It is possible to rent apartments in the center of Bussum . Bussum has several churches , the remnants of the New Dutch Waterline and there to see unusual architecture . It is also popular to spend a day at the nearby Hilversum. Other places that are close to Bussum
Naarden en Huizen.
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